9600 Sims Drive
El Paso, Texas 79925
(915) 434-0090 Office
Welcome to Energy Management!
9600 Sims Drive
El Paso, Texas 79925
(915) 434-0090 Office
Most of our school sites have an Energy Management System installed. At these campuses, these systems allow us the capability to start, stop, and schedule roof top units (RTU's), boilers, and chillers. Planning ahead is key to the success of these Energy Management Systems. Please call us if you have any questions about the energy management system(s) at your campus.
To provide safe, conditioned environmental space throughout the district that is conducive to learning by educating all stakeholders in energy conservation while creating a pathway for the consistent reduction of energy costs at all levels.
Contact Us
Chris Sievers
Construction Project Manager II
(915) 434-0091 Office
Email Chris Sievers
Nora C. Ortega
(915) 434-0053 - Office
Email Nora C. Ortega
After Hours:
Please contact
Security Office at
(915) 434-0195