Benefits of Standards
The benefit of standards come from the district's ability to negotiate volume pricing, decrease acquisition processing costs, decrease support and training costs. Supporting fewer systems improve the district's ability to share data, applications and increase end-user availability. Common purchasing problems can be resolved faster. A strong implementation of standards results in lower total costs and support costs per user.
The district Technology Committee has determined that hardware standardization is necessary for high-quality support, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness. The increased use of technology has made it impossible to properly support the variety of computers, printers, servers and other technology.
Obsolescence Guidelines
It is recommended that old hardware is sent to surplus as quickly as possible.
The district recommends a four-year obsolescence cycle in order to ensure technology is kept current. Under this plan, a computer that has been in use for a period of at least four years should be replaced with newer technology. To fulfill this plan, it is suggested that each campus/department replace twenty to twenty-five percent of its oldest computers/devices annually*.
For purposes of network management and inventory control, computers that reach the four-year milestone may be considered obsolete. Such equipment may no longer be considered a supported network device, and repairs are not considered economically feasible. Ysleta's Technology Information Services department recognizes that, though a product may be considered obsolete; there are situations and/or circumstances where it continues to be a viable instructional solution.
Technology Information Systems and Innovative Learning Department
MS Office 365 is supplied by the district and can be installed on all district desktops and laptops that are not considered cloud devices.
Cloud devices utilize the online version of MS Office.
Before purchasing additional laptops, desktops, chromebooks, iPads, or any electrical device that connects to the network, contact Ben Perez (x 41069) to determine if your campus requires an upgrade to support the devices.
Do You Know?
MS Office 365 is supplied by the district and can be installed on all district desktops and laptops that are not considered cloud devices.
Cloud devices utilize the online version of MS Office.
Before purchasing additional laptops, desktops, chromebooks, iPads, or any electrical device that connects to the network, contact Ben Perez (x 41069) to determine if your campus requires an upgrade to support the devices.