In Case of an Accident

If anyone is in need of medical attention call 911 immediately!

In case of an accident follow the instructions below:

Set the emergency brake, turn off the ignition switch and remove the keys.

Check all passengers for injuries and administer first aid as necessary.

Contact Security office with the following information:

  • What is the location of the accident?

  • Was anyone injured and/or any other vehicle involved?

  • Do you need an ambulance?

Unless otherwise instructed, protect the scene by activating emergency hazards and/or setting triangle reflectors if necessary.

Do not discuss details of the accident with anyone but police or school officials in person.

If the accident occurs on a non-school day, extra curricular trip, or at any time the offices are closed, make or see that the following calls are made:

  • Security (915) 434-0195

  • Dolores Armendariz (915) 497-4691

  • Ernie Landeros (915) 540-9804

Do not leave the scene of the accident until you have been instructed to do so by a Police Officer or other school official.